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looking for a C# expert (skyrim/fallout4 modder)


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I noticed that immersive first person mod for skyrim was written in C# so i needed someone look into the source code and see if it is possible to convert or at least translate the already existing mod to fallout 4, the compiled script is hooked through dotnetframework in skyrim, requiring a modified version of the binkw64.dll to load, in fallout 4 the only loader i found is DLL (Native mod) loader which uses a modified d3d11.dll file, not sure if they do the same thing. can someone take a look at the source code and see if it fits somehow into the fallout 4 engine? someone with experience in modding both games would actually be able to notice something that could work out for fallout 4. thanks in advance.


the source code is the last version in Miscellaneous files:

skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49036?tab=files

skyrim se: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22306?tab=files

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