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[HELP] World access restriction, how to do it ?


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maybe any of you have noticed, I'm working on my first SKYRIM mod "Dovahkiin's Castle" http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23919.


I'm trying to stay as close as possible to the Skyrim my theme and be "lore friendly".


To do so, I have to restrict the access to the new world until the player reached a higher level or has finished any specific main quest.


Well, I'm good at building worlds and rooms and designing things, but all the quests/scripting stuff is driving me crazy.


Any ideas/tips how can I implement such restriction to make my mod "lore friendly" ?


Thanks for any commens in advance,





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Look the doors and add a quest that only starts with a character level variable, you can also use collision planes that can be "disabled".

for example, if you find out which part of the mainquest you want them to have finnished, use a vmquestvariable as a condition on your quest that will disable the collision plane or unlock a door when the condition is met and it should work itself out. I suggest avoiding dialogues for the time beeing as they are a little bugged at the moment and won't fire like they should (you have to restart the game, this is the only known workaround at the moment). You can for example make a quest, where a curier comes running when conditions are met, or at least are enabled to deliver a message. You just have to copy the shared response that curiers use and use it for your own purpose, but this might bug out since it's a dialogue. You can also use the message system so the players get a message on their screen about where this castle is located and how to get there, but that would not be that lore friendly however. (or well, not in my opinion at least :)

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Thx, for the comment.


I have no clue how to add a quest to a door, but I added a script to a trigger which I did put in front of the door.


Every time you enter the trigger are , the script checks if the player is at least level 20.


If yes, it adds a key which can open the door.


I think this works fine for the beta version, maybe I will change it to quest related unlocking for the final version.

No idea at the moment how to do it.


My script and quest creating knowledge is too low for the moment. :(





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To be honest i know how you feel there, try reverse engineering on vanilla quests and take youtube tutorials or the written ones. Im not a script or quest guru, but i belive most people can do it with enough dedication :)
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Well, thanks for your answer anyway.

In the most other cases, I mostly did not even receive any answers.


It's sad, that Skyrim modding community is acting this way.


I'm new to Skyrim modding, but not new to modding at all, I was modding for over 10 years for Q3 engine based games.

But the modding communities there was much more beginners friendly.


With Skyrim I have the feeling, you do not receive any answer, except you are working on the next "overstyled half/naked hentai doll mod" ;)


No offence to anyone, but I wish, there would be any purist modding area, for people which just want to mod for Skyrim, as it was supposed to be,

lore friendly and holding the main theme and atmosphere of this great game.


Back to topic, I started to lern Papyrus for Skyrim and try to analyse the existing quests, but this will take a while, since this is real complex stuff for someone who is not familiar with this engine ;)




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Oh, i thought this community was quite helpful, i know a few that keeps helping beginners, i try to do that myself, but sometimes i don't visit this forum for weeks. Im no advanced modder myself, i know how to model and get models in to skyrim and using the CK and some scripting other than that im relying on creativity. But if you need help, you can always send me a PM and i can help you as far as my own knowledge goes at least. :)
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