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Custom character voice with mod manager 2


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As the title says I found this mod that can change the voice of your character: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27039?tab=description


Everything is fine and working but I have no idea how to add the custom voices that are linked in the mod page. I use mood manager 2 and don't manually install my mods so the folder for voice and everything isn't on my Skyrim game directory. I can find the folder destination in the virtual data directory that mod manager makes but I don't know how to install a custom voice with mod manager 2.

Edited by Martinmhmm
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Just a guess: Install the custom voice mod with MO2 just as any other mod. In the process (first prompt that shows up) change the name to whatever Player Voicesets mod was named when you installed that one. MO2 will ask then wether you want to replace or merge, selcet "merge". You should find the sounds folder with the necessary files in the Player Voicesets mod directory.

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