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Importing model to skyrim


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I followed as best as I can the instructions on the nexus step-by-step tutorial for an eye patch ( http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_1 )


I also installed the recommended software versions as far as possible.


I successfully copied weights to my mesh and triangulated it. I exported it as nif using the nif script.


I tried to follow the instructions about configurating the nif file as described by the tutorial part 2. However it looks always a bit different from that described in the tutorial (for instance there's rarely a node called root scene).


I replace an existing mesh for it.


I tried this process four times now.


It does not make my game crash but it is just not visible. No error messages. I also tried in nifskope the mesh>face normals without positive effect. Any help would be highly appreciated.


Here's a screenie of my last export to nifskope.



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