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modding to the original


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Firstly, if u dont have the original 1994 UFO enemy unknown. GO AND GET IT!!!!


Still lovin the new game though as it has added a lot of new mechanics to the tactical battles.


Given ive still not even finished the tutorial i hope im not saying anything stupid but here goes.


More Kit slots in mission: to carry stuff

Ability to pick up kit from fallen comrades and use it.

Ability to pick up corpses/fallen comrades - "Never leave a man (or woman) behind)"

Remove the new class system. but keep the new skill types.

add more weapons/ armour/ upgrades.

Have a "manager" Mode: to allow you to kit out your teams and send out multiple missions simultaneously. (plenty of room for expansion on this idea folks). And have the Ai work out mission success based on your team selection vs the mission.

Change the entry point on all maps: you dont ever drop into a potential fire fight if possible. you land then T.A.B. to the mission area. (this was also a major problem on 1994 maps). The potential for losing your troops AND the delivery vehicle in an area where you dont know the enemy make up is huge.


This list isnt exhausted yet. So ill edit more in here as i find it.


Any feedback and more ideas on getting this game modded to make it the classic that '94 was is appreciated.

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