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Jedi lightsabers !


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Let's made Jedi lightsabers for Fallout 3 ^__^








Nice idea, isn't it ?


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Well maybe it can retract and extend with the R animation (taking weapons in/out) button.


And jedi suits can easily be made since you've only got 2 pieces of equipment to even put them on (body and head).


Clone/Storm-troopers and blasters are a must if you want to see Enclave/Brotherhood like battles (imagine lots of them running, shooting, and taking cover).


EDIT: Now that i think about it, Fallout 3 is certainly lacking in specific resists, I think it may be rushed a bit... (It lacks specific resistance to certain attacks, like power armors would show in description the resistance to normal bullets).


And make the lightsaber 100% chance to decapitate anyone with it, It IS a lightsaber afterall.

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Well vehicles doesn't seem to work in this, unless of course your able to revive the horse from TES4...


Power armors can be replaced with Battle armors for the Stormtroopers, seeing how the body armor only covers up everything but the head. You can then make a helmet to go with it.

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