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Keep KB Binds Enabled while Using Gamepad


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XCOM disables all or most of the keyboard and mouse binds when you enable the gamepad.


This results in lost functionality for gamepad players. For example, there is no way to quicksave (F10) because there is no gamepad equivalent. Not even Alt-F4 (close the program) seems to work when gamepad is enabled. That's actually pretty important given some of the game-locking bugs XCOM has.


In most games I play with a pad I use the excellent program Xpadder to bind keyboard commands to the gamepad, which greatly expands gamepad control possibilities. If we can find a way to keep the keyboard binds enabled then that would be possible in XCOM, too. I don't see any reason why it makes sense to disable all those useful binds when the gamepad's enabled. Silliness!

Edited by ajane
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