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[Mod request] Move Theresa to Pribyslavitz (From the Ashes)


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It would be wonderful to have a dialog option that moves Theresa to Pribyslavitz (once the Rathaus is completed for example). There is no point (apart from money) of her repairing/cleaning clothes when there is bathaus right next to her, so it would be nice to have her in Pribyslavitz, since you can't clean clothes there.


The dialog option would have to be conditioned by stage of your relationship (like as soon as she can repair/clean your clothes, you can ask her to move) and by state of your rathaus (it can be "when its fully completed" or "as soon as its not a tent"). Mutt would have to be sorted out as well, but I guess his "return point" can move with Theresa to Pribyslavitz as well. New destination for your strolls can be found in Pribyslavitz area. I wouldn't be much concerned by dialog lines like "Back to the mill, etc"


I think this mod would add nice feature to game and help to integrate From the Ashes more into the game as it should be. I hope I'm not the only one thinking about this.

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