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Realistic Weapon Holding


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So I saw a mod like this for Skyrim. I never got it, and I forgot the name of it, too, since I had uninstalled Skyrim. What it pretty much was that it only let you have one or two swords (two for duel wielding), one bow or crossbow, one or two daggers, and such. I'm sure you get the picture.



So I was thinking this would be interesting for Fallout 3, and probably New Vegas, too. I was thinking it could work somewhere along the lines as:


One primary weapon can only be in your inventory at a time. Weapons that count as primary weapons would be two handed rifles, like the Hunting Rifle and Assault Rifle, or automatic Big Guns, like the Minigun or Gatling Laser.


Secondary weapons count for pistols, melee weapons, and over-the-shoulder Big Guns. The Secondary slots would be much more flexible then the primary slot, for you could have either two melee secondaries, one melee and one pistol, two pistols, or just one huge-ass weapon of mass destruction.



Armor could be changed to something similar to this, too, although if I knew how to mod something like this I would separate the weapon and armor changes into two separate ESP files.


When you have no armor in your inventory, you will have 5 free armor "slots" inside your apparel tab (quest armors wont count, since a lot of mods use scripted "armors" for their config menus, and their almost always quest items). The following items will take up the armor slots like so:


Clothing: Things like the Business Suit would count as clothing. Clothing only takes up one armor slot.


Armored Clothing: The stuff in between. Combat Armor and all the rest. This armor would take up two armor slots.


Power Armor: The biggest and strongest. Power armor would take three slots. See the pattern, here?


(Although not technically Power Armor, Metal Armor should probably take up three slots, too).



And, of course, the helmets would have their own slots, too. There would be 5 available helmet slots and they would work almost the same as the Power Armor slots. Like So:


Hats: Hats like the Roving Trader hat go here. Takes up one slot.


Armored helmets: Combat helmets and all the rest. Takes up two slots.


Power Helmets: Do I really have to explain? Takes up three slots


(As like the Metal Armor, the Metal Helmet would take up three slots, too).


Apparel like sunglasses wont take up any slots and you can have as many as you like.



Now some of you may be thinking "But DEATHSHOCK! If people can only have one primary weapon at one time, then how will they repair their weapons?!" Well I'm glad you asked.


I was thinking if you tried to pick up a primary weapon when you already have one, then a small option menu will come up. It would give you the options to either replace your current primary weapon with this one, or if its the same as the primary weapon you have equipped, then it will give you the choice to repair your equipped weapon with it. I'm sure a similar system can be made for the secondary slot(s).


Well, that just about wraps it up. I hope you took the time to read it, and I really hope someone takes the time to make it a mod...

And I hope I didn't just waste my time thinking this up if someone has already made it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I like it. I would add the following: if you're only wearing a one-slot or maybe even a two-slot head item then glasses should be wearable as well. In fact, I'm all but certain I've used a mod at some point that allowed glasses + helmets, you just couldn't see the glasses if it your face was covered (PA, etc). I suspect that the majority of what you want is scriptable in FNV, and I still think much of it could be done in FO3. Some good names for a mod of this kind would be "Realistic Loadout" or "Realistic Encumbrance". Edited by psycros
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