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Enchanted weapon appearance


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I am somewhat new to Skyrim and especially modding the game, so I'm not very familiar with the capabilities of mods. The idea I had was to change the appearance of the weapons when they are enchanted, rather than having a sword that glows red when it's enchanted with fire, the sword can ignite when it's unsheathed. Maybe when a character lifts her mace the mace will have sparks surrounding it. I find it silly that I hit someone with a fire enchanted sword that is merely glowing and the enemy combusts into flames.... I feel like the sword should also be on fire. I remember the cheesey glowing effects from morrowind and was a little surprised they weren't really enhanced that much since then.


This would likely require someone who's more skilled in this area, since I was unable to find such a mod for the game. But maybe I cannot find such a mod because it's not possible to make? For the skill enchantments maybe just a glowing weapon is fine, or whatever the creator thinks would be a good idea, maybe some kind of purple apparition can be whisping around the weapon of a soul trap enchanted weapon... I am really most concerned about the fire, ice and lightning enchantments though.

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