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Papyrus function for forcing an NPC to speak a specific line of audio dialogue?


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Bunch of different methods, way I have standardised across a number of mods is:

(1) In the quest [Misc] setup a new Topic with a unique name, here it is ModNameSay

(2) Add a bunch of infos with conditions for the right actor GetIsID or Alias to drive the voice and a GetGlobalValue ModNameSayValue unique number.

(3) Then in script you can call each info by its unique number:

Topic          Property pModNameSay      Auto Const mandatory
GlobalVariable Property pModNameSayValue Auto Const Mandatory
Function SayDialogue(Actor SpeakerActor, Actor TargetActor, Float fInfoNumber)
  SpeakerActor.Say(pModNameSay, akActorToSpeakAs = None, abSpeakInPlayersHead = false, akTarget = TargetActor)

To see this in action have a look at t

where 40 Q&A questions are managed with this mechanism.

Edit: to save time faffing around, using sound descriptors and .Play() may look easier but is always becomes arse.
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Try plan B set your wavs up as sound descriptors and then play them like this:

Sound  Property pFirstThingToSay Auto Const Mandatory
Sound.SetInstanceVolume(pFirstThingToSay.Play(SpeakerActor), 1.0)

ps They wont actually play until you make a BA2 archive so they convert to XWM.



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Nope because they are being played from an object not sayed by an actor.

Remember I suggested that plan A is better ... there are no good + fast + cheap lunches when dealing with dialogue.

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