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White Wolf and Sabercat


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I just want a female white wolf(yes there is a diffrence male is bigger, but i really like the female kind)

her name i whould like to be Rosetta

she is a animal compain(basically a awsome pet)

doesnt die

a little bit stronger then normal wolves

can carry stuff like gems,pelts, and food

also whould really like it if she was wearing a black collar with a white rose tag(epicness)

pleace make the fur look smoother so she almost resembles the picture



also want a sabercat


name: Stormrider

regular sabercat attacks

doesnt die

a scar over one of his eyes

like rosetta he is also a follower basically


please make them i really want them and im not good at making them myself

also please make it when i dismiss them they head to were ever my home base is and are friendly to friendly people thank you

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