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Some more Dawnguard-questions


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My first post here, so: Hiya all!


On to my point:


I'm currently on my second playthrough with the original game and I'm thinking about getting Dawnguard. Now, my understanding is that apart from the new perk-trees and equipment it "just" adds a new major questline to the existing game and doesn't need a fresh start to be played.


But: Does it make sense to use it with a mid/high-level character? My current character is at level 51, so would it make sense to install Dawnguard for this character or should I rather finish this guy and then use a brand new character for Dawnguard? I'm pretty much done with all the major sidequests - I'm missing a few Daedric quests and just completed Alduin's Wall in the main questline.



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why not do both? i've done dawnguard with a lvl10 character as well as with a lvl128 (i use an uncapper) character, the latter was easier than the former i have to admit.
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