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Mod Request/Attunement: Genders in BFAV Animals


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Hi SDV Community/people better at modding than I am!


I'm hoping this is possible, because it seems like it should be: I'm trying to make it so that animals added via paritee's Better Farm Animal Variety (BFAV) can also be male in a game that does not also include their "gender-neutral farm animals" mod. For animals that don't provide things like milk or eggs, this makes sense: a male or female crow can bring back shiny things; a male or female hedgehog can drop forage (the real reason I'm asking about this--I have a male hedgehog I want to memorialize in-game).


I've poked around a bit and messed with some code, but I'm a novice at best and really don't know how to do anything. Anyone know how to accomplish this? Thank you!!

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Thank you for checking around, I really appreciate it! :happy: What made me think it might work was that, in a reply to a comment on the Gender Neutral Farm Animals mod, Paritee wrote:




It's possible for Rabbits and Pigs to be male in vanilla SDV; here's the gender (i.e. isMale()) algorithm:


Determine Animal Gender

if type is not "Rabbit" nor "Pig" then

Animal is female

else if animal's ID is an even number then

Animal is male


Animal is female



I'm not sure where they found it, but if it could be adjusted--via mod or by actually digging into whichever file it's in and changing it--then it might work. But I have basic skills and wouldn't be able to find that file, much less change it, hence my ask here. If it can't be done then it can't be done, but I thought I'd put it out there first.

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