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Skyrim Intro Glitched + Flying In-Game


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1. I recently got a gaming laptop and downloaded Skyrim and all the mods I had on the Nexus downloaded list. (I didn't test run compatibility since it worked beforehand.)


2. The issue experienced in game was that the water was making noises even when I wasn't near it and I was swimming/flying on land. I used these websites one and two.


3. Following website one, I changed the iPresentInterval=1. For the second website, I turned on VSYNC. After applying these changes, my issue did not get fixed.


4. So, I did what I thought would be best... I removed all mods and reinstalled my game following this website's instruction. I was going to test the mods one-at-a-time. However, once I got in the game, the carriage is flying around, the horse is getting hurt, and my tied up character can't even enter Helgen.


I'm not sure what to do at this point. Let me know what I can do please :) Really appreciated.


Additional Information:


Game Location: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim

Game version: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. (NOT Special Edition)

Any DLCs? Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Hearthfire

Mod Manager and Version: NMM + SKSE from steam + Steam subscribed mods

SKSE Version: SKSE from steam (I assume the latest.)

No other helper programs.


This is my laptop


Please help me! Thank you.



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The problem of the carriage flying around in the intro is a well known one and is almost always caused by your fps being over 60fps which causes the game engine to go bonkers. As you have no mods installed when you started a new game that is probably the cause of your cart problem.


Your Game location is irrelevant, that is where everyone plays Skyrim from unless you have an illegal copy; what would be relevant is where your Steam is located.


I strongly advise you to download SKSE from silverlock.org and install it manually. The easiest way is to extract the file to your desktop, then follow the directions in the readme.txt to install. Download the latest version of NMM, if that is the mod manager you prefer to use, from github and install.


As you say you have some workshop mods you should be aware that the workshop has been broken for some time and Steam has shown little inclination to fix it. That is not to say that you will definitely run into problems if you use mods from the workshop but if you are not familiar with modding I would advise against using workshop mods.


If the intro problem continues to persist even when you are sure your fps is at or below 60fps what many people do with this problem is to use an alternate start mod such as Alternate Start-Live Another Life by Arthmoor. You might want to check your fps with an app such as Fraps.


Your laptop should certainly run Skyrim at ultra with no problem.

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