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Has This Ever Happened To You?


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I just thought I would share this experience with you...


Recently, I was going through the image share section, and I noticed a couple of pics titled 'Piano'. The images are ok, I was paying particular attention to the piano. I thought the uv mapping for, what I thought was retexturing, could have been done better, especially on the piano lid. I also noticed that the legs were different and music holder had been changed, and was no longer the fancy one... that I had made. I have learned ALOT more since I first released my pianos, and have even learned some scripting, Which I credit my friend myrmaad with, for her encouragement, or I never would have learned! So I decided that I would clean up my piano mods, script them to play, basically fix issues that I didn't know how to, when I first made them.


So I contacted the author of the 'Piano' images, because I thought I would go ahead and include that reskin in my release... well, after speaking with the author, he refered me to the mod he got the piano from, which was 'Love Suite Room' released by I_Raim. Which can be found here .


So I downloaded Love Suite Room, to check it out before I contacted the author, and noticed that she did an excellent job of crediting everyone... except me. I wondered why, but decided to check out the mods that she did credit, to see if the piano was included in one of them. As I went down the list, I came to a mod called, mjy Nibenay castle, released by mjy, which you can check out here , if you would like to. I looked at the screenshots, and on one I did see the piano... but I noticed something very important! He released his mod in DEC of 2007... I didn't release my original Piano mods until late July of this year. So the Piano, that I saw in the image share section, was not from my mod at all.


I know that I had searched for pianos, to see if they existed, before I built mine. I didn't see any in my searches, if I had of, I would not have made them.


More important to me, I also noticed a Harp in the Nibenay castle screenshots, near the piano... This one gets me, because I have been working on a very complex harp, on and off, for awhile now, as one of my projects. I had done an advanced search, before I started, to make sure that one had not already been created. Well, I see that one has been built, just there was no mention of it in the description, so it never showed up in my searches.


I guess that's what I hope to gain from this... I hope that when modders make and introduce special new items to their mods, that they mention them in their descriptions, so that they will at least show up in the searches by other modders who may be trying to find out if their latest idea is actually original.


I hope that you have not had this type of experience,



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Hey Dezdimona,


The things I mostly feel interested in building, are not complete mods... but more unique individual items that other modders will have available to choose from, for their own mods.


So, when I think of something that I think the other modders may find interesting, I try to search and see if it's been done before. If it has, and is decent, I would most likely not build another version of it. I suppose, if when I searched for an item idea and found an existing one, which I believe that I could vastly improve upon, I would contact the author in a pm, and discuss it, if they were interested.


For me, I don't feel that modding is work, I do enjoy the items that I work on. I think it's more about the time I spend working on them. I want that time to be on items that are new and will add to the community... not time spent 're-inventing the wheel' due to not finding the existing items when I search for them.


I did not intend for my original post to sound as if I'm complaining, or bitter, because I'm not. I am just hoping that modders who read this will consider actually listing the 'new items' that their mod contains, in their descriptions, so people like me can find it when we search using the advanced search method ~ the harp was just an actual example, of what my point was, in writing this post.

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oh drat. I do like that Love Suite Room, and have had it for a long time, and never even considered that you weren't aware of that piano. That whole room was just beautifully done, with the sittable area on the bed, the unique shrine of the nine candle holder, the curtained privy, the luxurious "comfortable" furnishings. In my heart of hearts that's how I want to make my homes, with that level of comfort built in, it's definitely my main inspiration as far as oblivion decor, and I haven't come across anything nearly as nice in my opinion, the lighting particularly is exceptionally done, bright enough, but not too bright, and no lag at all in the mod. Gosh I hope I remembered to rate it! :unsure:


I'm sorry you were disappointed to find others, but to me it doesn't seem a waste, but to you, I can understand how you wanted to fill a unique need.


I had mentioned to you, last we chatted, that I have a piano inspiration pic somewhere. Well right now, I'm just waiting for hubby to get here so we can go vote together. I was up all night studying and just studied out for the moment, & what with the excitement of election day, I'm feeling distracted. Maybe I can take a few moments and find it.


ah! I found them all.

All the same artist, she actually has quite a lot that inspire me, if you remember what I had told you when we last talked, this is what I meant.







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Hey Myrmaad,


I'm glad you found the pics, they look very elegant. I still plan to 'polish' my pianos up, and script them. These pics will be a welcome influence! I'm sure that other readers of this post may be influenced by these also.


Talk to you later,



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