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As can be deduced from my name, I'm interested in the topic of survivalism.

For you experienced modders out there, how difficult would it be to put more survival realism/opportunities in the game.

The equivalent of the Real Hunger mod is a great start, where one has to hunt, then skin, process and cook the game to stay alive, but what I think would really be cool is the ability to play on after a limb is severed.

Say if your arm is blown off, you have a certain amount of time to access your items and use a tourniquet, or stump cap. So your character only has one arm, and there would be penalites, for example only being able to use one handed weapons. If your left arm were blown off, you wouldn't be able to use certain aspects of the Pip Boy. Sure, it would make the game more difficult, going around with one arm, confined to smaller weapons and having no Pip Boy map...but I greatly enjoy the realism that's put into games. Hoping others do to.

So whart are the chances? Is this a difficult mod to pull off?

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Once we have a construction kit, I see no problem with all of these, other than having your own limbs severed. I'm confident it would be possible, but would need probably some new models and textures.


The Real Hunger mod is in actuality pretty simple. However, it is how to make this process harder than just clicking a product, getting a message saying "You skinned it", clicking it again and getting a message saying "You prepared it", and then using it on a fire and getting a message saying "You cooked it". Maybe skills could come into this? The higher your survival skill, the faster you can skin things, the better you can prepare and cook it for more positive effects.


I'm thinking too far ahead...

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As can be deduced from my name, I'm interested in the topic of survivalism.

For you experienced modders out there, how difficult would it be to put more survival realism/opportunities in the game.

The equivalent of the Real Hunger mod is a great start, where one has to hunt, then skin, process and cook the game to stay alive, but what I think would really be cool is the ability to play on after a limb is severed.

Say if your arm is blown off, you have a certain amount of time to access your items and use a tourniquet, or stump cap. So your character only has one arm, and there would be penalites, for example only being able to use one handed weapons. If your left arm were blown off, you wouldn't be able to use certain aspects of the Pip Boy. Sure, it would make the game more difficult, going around with one arm, confined to smaller weapons and having no Pip Boy map...but I greatly enjoy the realism that's put into games. Hoping others do to.

So whart are the chances? Is this a difficult mod to pull off?


Limb crippling should just remove the limb, or disable it entirely. I'm tired of when an enemy gets his gun arm crippled, drops his weapon, then just picks it back up again and fires away.


Also a hunger mod would be godlike for this game. Considering the fact that food is radiated, and clean water is VERY hard to find, and you have a winner. It'll add more of a survival theme to the genre, which is never a bad thing.


Bleeding should be in. Healing crippled limbs should involve more than just a stimpack. Perhaps a minimum level of Medical skill for stims to be effective on the limb?


Anyways, any mod that brings more realism to the game is good in my book.

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Losing body parts permanently sounds kind of stupid, as sooner or later, your screwed from those super mutants' missile launchers and miniguns...

Crippled parts happens often because lots of npcs has decent weaponry, and seem to be way more accurate than it's suppose to be...

Raiders should be somewhat inaccurate, since they like to use older and lower tier weaponry.



Too much realism could break the game, so you'd need to set a line between fun and realism.


A first good survival mod would be to make guns more limited, but not make body parts limited. And food is already plentiful in the game, its just the radiation you get from eating it. So to change that, make food recover hp over time, but a set amount of rad for different food.


Or better yet, for a survival mod, make it so when your hunger is over 50%, and you aren't in combat, you slowly regain overall health, but the limbs needs stims to recover.

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Um, what if you auto save with no legs and 1 arm.... wow, also stim packs basically are just stem cells in a injector and can heal what ever is damaged and if need be make new body parts.


Then you start a new game. Ever played ADOM? Permadeath in that mutha.

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While I'm not for or against the perma-limb loss idea (I think I'd ALWAYS restore in those cases, leading to just "might have well killed me" feelings), I would LOVE - and would very much like to second - the idea of adding more "survival" type elements to F3.


For starters, re-add the Outdoorsman skill... that would then effect your chance to successfully skin/prepare/whatever animals/vegis for food, and perhaps even effect the quality of the prepared/cooked food. That alone - the ability to hunt/forage for food - and the addition of an Outdoorsman skill (as in F1/F2), would give the game much more of a 'survivalist' feel.


In addition, if possible, an optional 'hunger' mod would force you to hunt/forage/eat, or lose hit points.


To balance things out - and encourage hunting/foraging, I'd make the "prepared" food (eg. wild vegis, skinned and cooked dog meat) LESS radioactive than the very old prepackaged stuff you can just find laying around (Sugar Bombs, Cram, Pork & Beans, etc.).


But no matter what form such a mod took, I'd be very interested in it!


Oh, and if a new Outdoorsman skill CAN be added, I think it should be what determines if/when those "points of interest" compass markers show up (much as Perception effects enemy locations on the compass).

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I quite like the idea of a little permanent/semi-permanent battle damage. Though maybe it could be balanced out by giving some use for some of the medical junk found throughout the wasteland.


Leg gets crippled = use a medical brace to regain some movement. Leg gets blown off = use some crutches to get you back on your feet (but if you don't have any = dead. You'll bleed to death before you find some anyway). Use stims or radiation to regenerate it.


Loose an arm = down to one-handed weapons


Loose an arm and a leg = dead ('cause you will bleed to death and you can't use crutches)


The crutches bit might need new models/animations though. That'd make it a more involved mod.

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