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2 hand sword request


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i made this sword last week and i gave it to someone to make it, but i didint heard of that person since,so i put it here and hope someone 's gonna like it, and create it !

- its a 2 hand sword (important)

- the end is 2 skull back to back

- the blade is made out of steel (like the awsome dragon claws)

- the handle is made of black leather band

- the stats are the same as a daedric claymore (since i like my stuff to be balence)

- it as a the ability to hit gost wihtout enchantment (bypass weapons resist)

- it as no enchantment on it so player could enjoy doing so...


sorry for quality of the picture !


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awesome drawing, hope it gets done ;)


thank DB86, drawing is one of my passion, sword like that i could make a lot of differents, the only problem is to find modder that will make them !???! :-( if anyone like it ... its all up to you guys !

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Wow that's very nice looking. Although Evendar is far better than myself as I'm just learning modeling (as of today! Or yesterday... I already forgot) would you mind if I take the idea and mess around with it? I wouldn't release it or anything but looks like it'd be something worth practicing with!


And reason I'm asking is because I personally get slightly irked when folks use my work, or ideas, even if it's for 'practice' and would never be released/used/shown to any other living soul. :)

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Wow that's very nice looking. Although Evendar is far better than myself as I'm just learning modeling (as of today! Or yesterday... I already forgot) would you mind if I take the idea and mess around with it? I wouldn't release it or anything but looks like it'd be something worth practicing with!


And reason I'm asking is because I personally get slightly irked when folks use my work, or ideas, even if it's for 'practice' and would never be released/used/shown to any other living soul. :)


well, since evandar said he would do it, i have no objection for you to use the model ! anyone are free to use it as i put it here for modders to have an idea... this is my personal way to share my oblivion passion ...lol... i'm happy that ppl like the stuff i draw, if it continue this way, (since the soul slayer) from jaysus was my first request, i might post a few more !

p.s. i'm going to get a digital camera tomorow, so you guys will get better quality pictures...

thank to modders of the site for creating awsome mods !

awsome mods, all starts from an awsome idea ... right ?...lol

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A scanner would be both a better and a cheaper idea ;). Any old scanner is enough, realy. Most new scanners can scan in like... 2700 dpi. Which's realy rather useless because you won't ever use more than 300 dpi.


yeah, what i meant was that im getting a new digit cam to take pictures of my new born son, and i will use it also to give better pictures here insted of my (current web cam pictures) but thanks for the tip...lol a scanner would be only if i evantualy decide my self to learn the CS... wich might never happen...lol well not for now !

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CS Isn't too hard to learn really. I actually managed to (in about a month or two) learn the CS while making an entire city by reverse engineering scripts to work for my mod. A very basic knowledge of scripts is needed for that kind of thing (how to use If/Then, how to read scripts, End tags, just the simplist stuff) and a bookmark to the TESCS Wiki helps too! Only reason I've basically scrapped that mod is because I could never think of ideas for it. I might just go ahead and release it, let folks play through it and get their ideas....
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