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Dialoge issues.


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Okay so I have a dialogue I've been working on for a mod and in one option I want the NPC to stop talking to me if I choose this option.

Meaning that dialogue can no longer be initiated, does anyone know what the script line for this is?


Anyway, here is the topic branching and what I want to happen: http://gabriel77cortez.deviantart.com/art/Problems-in-GECK-332149537


When I pick that dialogue line I want it to close down that entire branch of dialogue options and move on to the 2nd branch.

How do I close down the 1st branch without using "Say Once" or something like that.

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Okay so I have a dialogue I've been working on for a mod and in one option I want the NPC to stop talking to me if I choose this option.

Meaning that dialogue can no longer be initiated, does anyone know what the script line for this is?


Anyway, here is the topic branching and what I want to happen: http://gabriel77cort...-GECK-332149537


When I pick that dialogue line I want it to close down that entire branch of dialogue options and move on to the 2nd branch.

How do I close down the 1st branch without using "Say Once" or something like that.


Generally, in the quest used for the dialogue, add a variable such as intCloseDialogueBranch to the quest's script.


Start it initially as 0. For that branch of dialogue, as a condition to display it, add the condition GetQuestVariable intCloseDialoguebranch == 0.


When you want to close the branch off, set intCloseDialogueBranch to 1 and now that branch will fail to display.

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I don't get it, in which script location and condition location should I put those?


Here: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/287/8/6/wut1_by_gabriel77cortez-d5hrfwi.jpg

Here: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/287/5/3/wut3_by_gabriel77cortez-d5hrg09.jpg

Here: http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/287/8/0/wut2_by_gabriel77cortez-d5hrfy7.jpg

Or In one of these: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/287/0/3/problems_in_geck_by_gabriel77cortez-d5hr481.jpg


Everyone of those has a script thingie and conditions.


(I'm still fairly new to GECK so please be as detailed as you can be in what goes where.)





Oh and I tried looking for the "intCloseDialoguebranch" in GetQuestVariable in various Conditions for the quest file and I couldn't find it.

Edited by gabriel77dan
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I'm assuming you made a quest to control the dialogue in your mod. If not, make a quest to hold the variable intCloseDialogueBranch (or whatever name you want to give it).

Create a script and put the following in it (assuming your Dialogue quest is named DialogueQuest):

scn DialogueQuestScript

int intCloseDialogueBranch

Then, in your dialogue conditions you'd choose GetQuestVariable, then choose DialogueQuest, then choose intCloseDialogueBranch, then choose EqualTo, then 0 (Zero).

In the dialogue that , once displayed, makes the branch no longer available... place this in the end script:

set DialogueQuest.intCloseDialogueBranch to 1


Make more sense?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried to follow that but it didn't work, no diea where I messed up.

I created a script for the quest "GabPoisonDialogue1" on the first page and added in the


scn GabPoisonDialogue1Script


int intCloseDialogueBranch


After that I saved, went to the final dialogue line and added in... Nevermind, I'll just show you screens of it:





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I tried to follow that but it didn't work, no diea where I messed up.


Well you have a lot of "AND" operators in your conditions, and the getDead one doesn't seem to have a target (I see "NONE" under function info) so wouldn't that one always return a 0 or is does it default to the speaker as the target? But that shouldn't make a difference, since if any of the conditions fail, hte topic should be unavailable. But the getQuestVariable is set up right, you should be able to have that topic once, then the var should flip to a 1 and hte topic shouldn't be available ever again (unless you have a topic with another result script to flip it back).




You can also hit a say once, if you don't want the topic to ever repeat.

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