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Bug in X Marker Patrol Result Script


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I have an x marker route for a supply convoy of brahmin. When the brahmin reaches the last x marker the result script on that marker [patrol data tab] is:


BlackbriarInitialSupplyConvoyRouteXMEnabler.disable; disables the x markers that make up the route and the NPCS


BlackbriarInitialSupplyBrahminPenRef.enable; enables x marker for brahmin pen

player.additem BlackbriarSoldierDogtag 4; adds soldier resources to player

ShowMessage BlackbriarInitialSupplyConvoyNotificationMessage2; tells player results


No low level processing is unchecked and the first NPC in the convoy is running a patrol package AI.


This works fine as long as you are with the convoy when it reaches the final x marker. However, if you are sleeping or not near that x marker, the convoy merely keeps running the route until you do. I need the script to 'fire' regardless of where the player is in the game or what he/she is doing.


This is important because I will use the answer to this problem in two different scripts. The one will take the convoy and terminate it as detailed above.


The other will continuously run a number of supply convoys back and forth from different places on the map to the player base.... and when arriving at the X marker - put supplies into the player's inventory. I need this to work regardless where the player is....


Any suggestions on what I'm missing?

Edited by Guest
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Why are you removing the x markers?



Well, in the case of the first convoy.... it is a one way trip for it. And I don't want to contribute to savegamebloat more than I have to. Also, there are a dozen or so dead NPC's that will be attached to it.


IN general though, I want to solve the problem of the marker script not firing when I am asleep or not with the convoy because I am also using the general script to run all the other supply convoys that will need to drop off supplies even the player is not there

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