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The Last Son of the Bladed Moon

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Well Juan, I am no sailor but i have been a passenger on ships of all shapes and sizes. I have been on the largest troop-ships that the Imperium possesses to small escort ships that skim quickly across the waves. I am trained in naval recognition and i have spent time honing that skill when i was assigned to tracking pirates. Maybe i could help you with your 'sailor' friends.
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"excellent, glad to see that you answer me with such enthusiasm..." Jaun stared a moment speculating... "I can tell you were a soldier... you barely know me yet you converse with such respect and loyalty... If you accept my proposition I think you will find yourself making a habit of that."


Jaun strolls to the window of the staying room, seperating the drapes and looking out upon the busy docks. "That one," he syas pointing out one of the larger ships, "the one with three masts and the elevevated bridge... below deck on a ship like that there is room for a crew of 40 men give or take... it would make an excellant pirating vessel." Jaun looks back at the man. "If we get 10 more able men that ship will be ours by tommorow morning"

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Julius walks up to the window also and looks out at the docks.

"See those taverns? Crew can easily hired from establishments like those, crew of all sorts. Most probably have some pirating experience. I've had to make arrests in places like those on occasions - never a good idea".


Julius turns to look at Juan,

"The only problem is that i don't even have a copper quarter-mark on me"

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OOC: wb :)




Julius, heading downstairs with Juan, looks around at the nautical faces around him in the bar. The sailors in this bar were more of the 'gruff old man' variety than the 'bright-eyed young soldier' variety that Julius was looking for and preferred to work with. However, in a corner sitting alone, was a man that caught Julius's attention. A livid scar ran across his eye and only the white of the damaged eye was visible but he had the look of a veteran fighter. Julius, also bearing a scar - although less extreme - on his face, recognised the slash of an Eastern shortsword. Julius was curious, how could this sailor have been involved in the Imperial campaigns in the East?


Julius turned to Juan and indicated the man to him.

"That man was originally an Imperial soldier who campaigned, like me, in the East under the banner of the Imperium. Now he looks like a sailor with experience, i suggest that we speak to him"

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Verslawtheyrn was casually strolling through the outskirts of Everend, the farmlands. He was thinking of going in town for a little bit of ale, "Hey big guy, I need you help and I reckon you need something to do anyways." the voice interuped Verslawtheyrns ponderings and when he looked up to the speaker he saw an old man, farmer with two big baskets in hand. This same man has arranged a home for him, a little building near the farms mainbuilding. Verslawtheyrn reckond it was a stable of some short, though it hadn't been used for a long time before he moved in. He had to sleep on the floor, but there were some hays to soften the ground. And sometimes the farmer brought him leftovers of their food so he didn't have to buy his own. Verslawtheyrn walked closer to the farmer and asked, "What do you need me for?", his voice was very lowpitched and strong. But still very clear so the listener wouldn't have trouble hearing. "Now, now boy don't you be a talking like that to people, they don't like that. People at the city especially are a weird bunch, now they like to be talked in a highly manner with strange and big words. Even if you haven't got anything to say there, you should be talkin. Believe me boy I've seen it.", the old man liked to "teach" everyone about the world and Verslawtheyrn seemed like a perfect target for his ramblings. But even this simple man had his limits and after listening the old mans stories for a while he had to interupt the farmer. "Ehh.. about that errad, sir?", the farmer gave him a queer look after being interupted and started again, "Yeah the job for thee huh, well that kind of talkin won't do you any good in town but I guess you can take care of yourself. So, my better half and the lady of the house" this he said with a smirk, "wanted to cook something fancy today and gave me a list of ingredients, now there should be plenty of these at the towns market. Did I tell you about the town already? Ah, the town people...", "YES you told me about it already, uh.. sir I'm kinda in a hurry could you give me the list and those baskets." The farmer was taken back by his audiences unwillingnes to listen, and reluctantly gave Verslawtheyrn the baskets, the shopping list and money enough for the foodstuff and couple of ales for the errand runner.


Verslawtheyrn had to go first to the marketplace, "Baskets and taverns don't mix" he tought to himslef. He didn't like the commotion at all in the marketplace, these people seemed like busy ants at their hive running here and there, and the loud voices. Sometimes big laughter arose at some corner of the marketplace and then at other directions. It was a real trial for Verslawtheyrn to even survive here, and it took him three hours to get all what he needed. He wasn't any good at bargaining and he used all his money. "Well, luckily I had brains enough to hide a stash at me home" he thought and after givin the baskets back to the farmer he retrieved the thee copper marks, put them in his pocket, then thought "Now remember to take good care of those marks Verslaw so that no snieky thief can take 'em." with these toughts in his head and hand in his pocket to guard the money he started for the tavern.

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Yeah I tought it would be ironic to have a "slow" character with a name that I can't even spell myself right without much care. :D


I actually searched for "etymology" in google and there was this good site of the origin of names and put some pieces together. Ah well, enough with the OOC now.

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