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The Last Son of the Bladed Moon

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OOC: Well? Spit it out, come on, i don't want to suddenly randomly die because you forgot to tell me something. But i'll risk it neway. Also MDRud, u decided that my sailor who 'began to speak' doesn't actually say nething....okey dokey then...




Julius watched as the troop of guards charged towards him. He caught Jone's eye and he saw that Jone indicated to him a small fisherman's boat tied up nearby. Julius grabbed the sailor that had helped by the elbow and threw him onto the boat. He was about to follow when a guard leapt on his back and tackled him to the ground. Julius punched the guard's face but realised too late that he was wearing a full-faced helmet. Julius shouted in pain as his fist connected with the hard steel helmet and, angered by his pain, hacked off the guard's head with his broadsword and made a dive for the boat. The sailor had already untied the boat and he punted them out to sea, after Jone's boat.



He turned to face Julius and opened his mouth to speak to him.

(OOC: would u plz do the honours of introducing this guy or you could do it Shadow, it gives u something to do)

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OOC: I guess....but forget it, i'll introduce him.




"My name is Myropnous" he said, "I spotted you in the bar and recognised your face from a poster"

Julius stared at him, "You mean the WANTED poster" he asked cautiously.

"Yes, the WANTED poster" replied Myropnous, quickly adding, "But i don't intend to turn you in, I am wanted myself. I was the deputy of of the Fort Commander over at Fort...um, that doesn't matter"

Julius, was curious about the Myropnous's history and insisted that he tell him but Myropnous refused and became increasingly agitated. Julius saw that he would get nowhere so he stopped pressing Myropnous for information.


Their boat was close enough to Jone's boat now for them to be able to see the sedentary figure of Jone on his boat. Julius stood up and shouted to him.

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Jone's boat was now around 40 feet from the end of the docks, and he watched the Gaurds running back and forth on the shore in confusion. After hearing Julius' callhe stands and looks over his shoulder, the ither boat was coming in close to his now, using the very last of its momentum from the push off the dock to glide along the water. Its spead suggested that it only barely had the force left to reach his own boat. Jone's own boat was large enough for about four people, and he nodded for Julius and the other sailor to abandon their own boat. "Hurry now, get off.. there are not enough oars for two boats, and until the wind kicks up we won't be going very fast eithout them." Julius jumps over along with the sailor.


Before either can say a word Jone picks up a heavy anchor, his arm straining and 'throws' it into the other boat. It lands hard and the sound of cracking planks echoes out over the coastal area. water begins to fill the boat, and by the time the three had left Everend behind it was settled on the sea floor. "What was it now, that you wanted to say Julius?"


ooc: sorry I controlled your character, it was a minor action and I just wanted to hurry

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OOC: np, i would have just had him do exactly the same thing neway




"Jone, this is Myropnous. He was an Imperial soldier like myself. He's wanted as well by the guards. He's here to help."

Myropnous eyes Jone suspiciously before shaking his hand and smilingly whispering to Jone through gritted teeth, "I recognise you..."

Jone, after staring at Jone for a few more seconds, suddenly stood up straight and his smile disappeared.

"Julius, this man already knows my name. He probably has something to tell you, or i could tell you, we have a history you see..."


OOC: Since he's an NPC, u can control him too but be sensible...

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Looking Myroponous up and down Jone says: "I am sorry, I do not recognize you... unless of course you were a sailor? In that case I may have raided you once or twice. Am I close?" Jone released a bit of sarcasm on his last sentence. As the man did seem slightly familiar, but he kept that to himself.
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OOC: I know I've been sucking as a DM, and you have my apologies.. However, you do seem to be doing well on your own.


Unfortunatly, I will be infrequent on the forums for a while... My computer has *cough* run into some difficulty. Namly, it has so much crap on the RAM before it even starts up windows that windows can't load.. Think 750 page file lookup and using 467mb of 512... It isn't pretty.


Anyway, I will hopefully have that fixed within the week, whatever must be done, and I will be able to watch more closly and guide you to a forming quest.. ;)

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