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Books, Journals, Etc.


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Hi everyone. I was just playing around with some mod ideas and one that I would love to find or have made is one that would allow you (the player) to write in journals about your travels, relationships, etc. and then either leave them around in Skyrim for others to find or maybe just to keep in your own bookcases in one or all of your homes. Also, I think it would be fun to have more books that reference things from both Morrowind and Oblivion, like really old diaries, journals, etc. etc. I really enjoyed doing that small quest for Brand Shei where you find his family's journal and the ship you find it on is named Pride of the Tel Vos. It was a neat little link to Morroiwind, and I'd love to see more of that kind of thing for Skyrim. :)


Thanks you guys!


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