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Why Would You Vote For This Man?


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NOTE: The purpose of this essay is merely to spread the truth, and to convince others to be more skeptical and open-minded. All of this was written by me and represents what I believe in.



Would you vote for a man who uses people's ignorance to deceive them? Half of our nation would. Senator Obama and his entire liberal campaign represent ignorance. Human values never change. Many people want to be a part of something so bad that they would believe anything they're told. Obama's speeches have inspired many people in a time of stress... this is exactly what Hitler did.



Let's start with a few points of why people like Senator Obama. The number one reason is obvious, his charisma. His speeches on "Hope and Change" inspire the masses of people who know nothing about politics. The 2nd reason is that he's black. Obviously the Democrats nominated him to target the black community, who barely voted before in the first place. This makes people like how he's different, which proves nothing about if he's a good politician or not. Not to mention his extreme lack of experience. 3 years in the Senate? Give me a break, that's less time than high school. He hardly understands how things work. I am willing to admit, Senator Obama is a great speaker. His words are powerful and inspiring, but he doesn't talk about politics. He talks about what the people want to hear. Ignorant people who don't understand the border between Hollywood and reality. These people don't understand that Senator Obama believes that there is a simple solution to every problem in America. Jesus, it's like I'm watching Head of State again. Listen to me when I say this, and this is the most important part of my argument, if there was an obvious solution to all our problems, the U.S. would would already be a perfect country. Now, the third reason why people support Obama is that he claims to represent the people. Hold on, a second. From what I've seen, the majority of Democrats I've talked to, probably 9 out of ten times they believe that the government doesn't care about the people. Many people actually believe that the majority of politicians don't care about our nation... how does that make any sense? If the majority of our politicians were corrupt, we would be Mexico. The last time I checked, we were not Mexico.



I'm guessing at this point that you would tell me that he's taxing the rich and giving money to the poor. Think about this. Did you know the top 20% income families in our nation pay 80% of our taxes already? That leaves 80% of the national population to pay 20% of our taxes. Mr. Obama wants to take more money from the CEOs, the Managers, and all the other bosses. What people fail to realize is that it WILL affect them. Try to think if you were a CEO, from a logical business perspective. If you are getting taxed exceptionally, and are losing a lot of the extra money you have, you won't have enough money to pay all your employees. A lot of people will get laid off. A lot of people will get pay DECREASES. Plus, most of the people who are bitching and wanting tax cuts are barely paying any taxes in the first place from various benefits (Salary, Children, EVEN RACE). McCain's economic plan involves saving money, rather than spending ridiculous amounts. Senator Obama appears to forget that our nation is in severe debt. Wouldn't borrowing, printing, and taxing more money for his excessive spending be bad for our economy? The answer is obvious. Of course it will.



This section is to all the black people blaming "the government" for all your problems, the ones who claim they aren't given any opportunities in life. What you fail to realize is that our nation already has many charities for the poor, especially African Americans. Has anyone EVER HEARD of the United Negro College Fund? There you go, right there. Work hard in school, and they will pay for your tuition, BECAUSE OF YOUR RACE. Also, all colleges are more likely to accept you if you are black or latino. You really think this nation doesn't care about you, but all you have to do is try JUST AS HARD as anyone else, and the U.S. will support you because you are poor. I'm so tired of people bitching and moaning about their situation, when the truth is that they're too lazy to get out there and make something of themselves. I'm so tired of people saying "lol we shud totally blaem jorge bush lol". What people fail to realize is that the president is not the king of the United States. Most of the problems of our country are not his fault. If you're looking for someone to blame, at least know who has the most power. The legislative branch, which is controlled by Democrats, has the most power in this country by far. If these people suck at running the country so bad, maybe the legislative branch should be run by another party (Republican).



Now lets move on to Obama's support of a free healthcare system. Have you ever been to Canada? It takes six months or more to get an operation for any kind of non lethal injury. If you break a leg, expect to be in a wheelchair 6 months minimum before your operation. If you think I'm lying, let me explain how it works. Even though the system is called "free" healthcare, all the money has to come from somewhere. To get the money to pay for the healthcare, the government greatly increases taxes. This means that a perfectly healthy poor man will be paying for a sick rich man's healthcare, even though the poor man doesn't need medical care. Does that seem right to you? When the government controls healthcare the doctors will get paid a lot less. That means a lot less people will want to be doctors. When there are less doctors, the wait gets exponentially longer. The lower wages also mean a strong decrease in performance. Doctor's won't be happy with their career if they don't get paid enough. It will be much harder to find a good doctor, not to mention how long it will take to even get an appointment. Now, when I say that in Canada it takes 6 months to get surgery, imagine how bad it will be here. I can guarantee you there are a HELL of a lot more people in the U.S. than in Canada. If we adopted the free healthcare system, I wouldn't be surprised if your father had to wait a few years to get his back fixed. So that means your dad would walk around for years, and have to go to work to feed your family with a bad back.



Now let's discuss a big elephant in the room of politics. The War in Iraq. Senator Obama wants to immediately pull all of our soldiers. Do you know why we keep our soldiers in Iraq? 2 reasons. 1st reason: If we withdrew our soldiers, chaos would immediately resurface in Iraq and the factions will begin fighting again. This will diminish all hope of Democracy for their country. 2nd Reason: Yes, the Iraq government wants our soldiers there to help them keep their government stable. When we become friends with Iraq, they will sell us oil. I'm so sick of people who say we're in Iraq to "Steal their Oil". Do you know why our gas prices are so high? Well, if you understood the concept of supply and demand, you would know that we need more oil.


If we buy land to drill from Iraq, that puts money in their economy, which helps them. It's called a mutual transaction. Besides, look at our country compared to theirs? Who is going to use the oil? If Iraq needed the oil, they would have drilled it out by now.



Senator Obama supports raising the gas prices for this reason: If gas prices are high, people will switch to fuel efficient cars. One problem. Cars are expensive. Especially hybrids. How is the common man supposed to save up to buy a fuel efficient car if the gas prices are draining his extra money? Many people are for switching to alternative energy; I am as well. The problem is that nothing happens overnight. Switching to a different primary source of energy takes decades, at least. Our country has been working on finding alternative energy resources for a long time, it just takes time. We can't just give up oil and wait for the new one. Obama and his liberal bandwagon want change now, but they don't realize that nothing works that way. Nothing is that simple.



Now let's talk about some of Obama's supporters around the world. The Iranian government's public speaker publicly supports Obama. Fidel Castro also publicly stated that he supports Obama. There are many citizens in the U.S. that threaten with riots and violence if he isn't elected. Doesn't anyone find that a little scary? Iran and Cuba? The reason why they support him is because they know he will be a weak leader. When he's gonna have to take military action as Commander In Chief, he won't do it. They know this. I'm not calling Obama a "terrorist", that would be ignorant. I am saying, however, that some very bad people support him, because they know he will be a weak leader.



Obama has gathered many blind Americans and has led them in a liberal campaign of ignorance. All I ask is not to believe everything you're told. The art of Democracy is thinking independently, together. We must all have our own perspective on politics if we are to make our country any better. America was not created independent as a nation of followers. I'm not encouraging rebellion, because that is even worse for our country. All I encourage is to know the facts on multiple sides of the issue, because there is never a simple answer for anything. The only way to make America better is if we all know what's best for our country. Leeching free handouts out of the government is not the solution. The only way to improve our economy is with hard work, and smart financial management of the people as well as the banks. Be a responsible American, work hard, and don't take loans you can't pay back. It's not the government's job to compensate you for your screwups. If you truly believe that America is a bad country, then you might as well move to France like all the other pussies...




Written by Jared Beale

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If that's how he's getting elected, though I think you're completely wrong on all counts, than thank God, because the dolts also let Bush be president for 8 years.


I'm quite sure I didn't vote for him because he's black, and I'm not misled, I'm extremely politically informed and I plan a law career of my own. Your dissertation just shows your own ignorance. I have no experience at all and I would have been a better president than Bush, I'm quite certain of that. What experience did Lincoln have? What experience did Washington have? Do you know any history, or do you think Reagan was a great president? How do you know what people understand? I listen to Washington Journal on C-Span every morning and the callers on the right parrot the same tired bs every day, that they don't know anything about Obama. Well, all you have to do is some very little research to find out.


Oh you did not bring up Mexico. That's your argument?



Actually my husband can testify that most of Barack's plans sound like things I've been saying for years. I'm a political junkie, it's my passion. Some things are quite clear, but the problem is that we are ingrained in a lifestyle here. We accept too many things as too hard to change, we profess things on one hand, like belief in a free market, but we haven't practiced free market economics for at least 20 years. We've been bailing out big corporations for a hundred years in fact, but I remember Chrysler, Lockheed and Neil Bush's S&L fiasco. That's not a free market, a free market lets companies die when they are mismanaged, no longer viable, or obsolete.


About taxes, no. You are absolutely 100% mistaken. Site your facts and statistics, bud. I know better. I actually read books, with small letters and no pictures.


I own a small business, with my husband, and there are many reasons why we feel that Obama's plan will benefit us, it will benefit me, as a student, as well.


Beyond that my dad and brothers own a very succesful farm operation, I was raised republican, I voted for Reagan twice, but even my dad is voting for Barack Obama this year (and everyone of my eligible family members -- I'm one of 7 and have over 30 nieces, nephews and grands now.) To give you an idea, they spend $10000 a month on electricity. I didn't stutter.


It's fair to pay taxes when you "tax" the infrastructure more than the average person. What we are saying is, my family makes a profit using the resources that we are blessed to have here in America, and it is just and fair to pay more taxes for the privilege of using up those resources that we turn a profit on. It's not like it's a great deal more than we're already paying, actually, it's a reasonable compromise.


I've always felt that if you don't like paying for the privilege of living and benefiting from living in America, then let me show you the door.


Fear mongers like you bother me. And what's with this "even race"? I see your true colors, you're one of those who doesn't understand that we're only as strong as the least among us. The nation has to be strong as a whole, we have to have a decent education system that would teach people like you to think critically so that they can stop getting emotional and allowing their own fears to rule their choices.


Believe me, as a great president once said, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself", and as a smart dude said once upon a time, "They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." He also said they had fashioned us "a republic if you can keep it". Well it's slipping away into a corporate fascism and you would recognize that if only you had a sufficient education. We are now 18th in the world in education and it's opinions like yours that bear witness to that sad fact.


Saving our republic demands sacrificing your own selfish greed and standing up to your own fears.


God Bless Barack Obama.

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Your argument is logical, and although I disagree with you, I will respect your support for Senator Obama. However, many people I know who support him are ignorant. Regardless if he's a good politician or not, is it really fair? Obviously his tactics are to target those who never cared about voting in the first place, and don't know politics. Also, one of the main points in my essay is that there are no simple solutions for everything. Claiming you know more than me and trying to insult my intelligence is just a cheap shot at my argument. And sure, there are ignorant republicans, but there are so many more ignorant liberal it isn't even fair (media, anyone?).


On your argument about Mexico, oh wait a second, that's just a picture. I have seen the Mexican government butchered (metaphorically) many times by our government, in terms of what we think of their corruption.


On your feelings of taxes. I'm sorry, but you shouldn't have to pay extra for freedom if you were BORN here. Also, I'm fine with the current taxings, I just don't think that the rich should be taxed any more. I don't think that the people who earn more money should be punished by giving back a higher percentage. How is that fair? It's not.


On the subject of race, I believe all races should be treated equally. I do not believe white people or black people should be treated better than one another. I fully support charities that help the poor, but I don't understand the ones that only help the poor if they're black.


When you say you could be a better president than Bush, I almost laughed. Sure, he wasn't our greatest president. What some people don't realize is that it's a hard job. Plus you and I don't know half of what goes on behind the scenes. Everything in politics is done for a reason.


Also, using fallacies such as ad hominem to attack my intelligence and education doesn't prove your point. Accusing me of being greedy shows that you judge me without knowing anything about me. At this point, you'd probably fire back at me saying that I judged Obama. I never said he's a bad person, I believe all the candidates want to make America a better place. If most politicians didn't care about the benefit of America, our nation would be very different. Sure, I believe that he deceives the ignorant, but that's part of every politician's job. On the other hand, I do believe that that is his main strategy, in contrast to other politicians.


All in all, if Obama becomes president, which is likely, I won't female dog and moan. The best I can do as a good American is support what he does, and do my part to help my country. I would advise that you do the same for McCain. I'm sure there's multiple ways to solve every issue, and while I don't agree with Obama's, I'll have no choice but to give them a chance if he's elected.





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To be perfectly honest, I planned to read your massive post. It was so confusing, however, I stopped after the first full paragraph.


Based on that, I can only make two statements:


1) I disagree with your belief that experience is always good.


2) There are many ignorant people on both sides of this election. To pretend any different is completely ignorant as well. Just because you know a few Democratic idiots doesn't mean that the intelligent voters are also idiots.

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I absolutely agree that there are ignorant voters on both sides. However, this election especially, the majority are definitely on the Democratic side. Like I've brought up in the essay. Think about all the black people (no racist) who haven't even cared about voting in the past? They want him to win because he's black, so they'll vote.
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I absolutely agree that there are ignorant voters on both sides. However, this election especially, the majority are definitely on the Democratic side.


I think it is evenly spread, mainly because I do not see many informed voters voting for the McCain ticket with Palin as the runningmate since McCain is old and not in the best health and Palin is...well...Dubya with lipstick.


Think about all the black people (no racist) who haven't even cared about voting in the past? They want him to win because he's black, so they'll vote.


I blame the media for that. During the Democratic primary, the media kept parroting "are we ready for a black president" and "are we ready for a women president," and look at how that primary turned out.


If we removed all the ignorant voters from the election, it is likely that we would have a 3rd party president since I do not see an informed voter voting for either McCain or Obama due to liking them, maybe because they are the lesser of two evils, but not because they like them.

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On taxes:


people with more money use more resources, they drive more cars, they own more houses, they burn more fuel to heat and cool those houses which are statistically larger and harder to heat and cool thereby using more resources than other Americans.


Because of that, their fair share of taxes is higher. There are many other benefits to being wealthy, I know first hand. For example, when a middle-class person makes a mistake in their bank account they're encouraged to pay an exorbitant usury fee, which we will call a returned check fee, but is actually a short term loan based on past credit history. Usury used to be against the law, but no longer.


Now let me tell you what happens when you are wealthy and a check comes in to an account with non-sufficient funds: you get a call from the bank and they let you know there was a problem with the account and make an alternate arrangement.


Is that fair? You may think so, but I don't. It's quite possible the middle class person had resources to make an alternative arrangement as well, but that doesn't matter. Furthermore, the people who are in the most trouble and are most at risk financially, are the ones who tend to end up paying these fees most often because they have a hard time making ends meet.


What you don't seem to understand is that making the system fair so that all groups can grow their wealth, would not cost you anything.


Even though my father made his first million when I was in 8th grade, we were still part of the middle class. The actual redistribution of wealth is from the middle to the Elite, which is made up mostly of corporations. Corporations benefit from the buying power of the American people but they are notorious for not taking care of resources, and that's what they've been up to, using up the American middle-class wealth but not reinvesting in it, instead they'll move on like a plague of cicadas, probably to China who's rising middle class could soon eclipse the US and with it, eclipse the main source of our power in the world.


Now if you would kindly site reference and source for your stated belief about taxes, I will happily share mine.

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Ok this is interesting. I don't support Obama for multiple reasons


1) abortion- A) I myself am a Catholic and so cannot, in anyway, support a man who would kill an unborn child.

B)At the moment of conception the baby has 46 chromosomes. Don't all animals have 46 also? Not to mention humans.

C)I know this gets old but, would you like it if I pulled the trigger and killed you? Probably not. Why take an unborn child and kill it?


I had a or rather WOULD have had a brother. He died in a miscarriage. I was able to hold the dish in my hand where his corpse was. I cried. And if you wouldn't then your not human and you can vulk yourself and slit your throat hang yourself or whatever I don't care just DON'T say it's right to kill unborn children.


2) taxes- I don't see how you can say that you want to be taxed more you made your money legitimately and should be entitled to it it shouldn't be given to people who don't work. Also what Obama doesn't tell you is that he won't reinstate the Bush tax cuts they will just go away in 2010


3) unemployment- unemployment is at the lowest it's been in many years a mere 5% (steadily rising around election time) and I DO blame Bush for that (I blame him for a good thing).



Everyone has been throwing the word Ignorant around well you know what? Your Ignorant I'm Ignorant and the world is Ignorant so oh well

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