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new weapon


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I am not releasing this as a modders resource.


It will be a new weapon for members to use in their games if they choose.


I answered this post to build a staff or a sword. I chose staff.

I will release different versions, including a scythe, and possibly a club.


In the future, I may do more with this mesh, I've thought of moddifying it into a helm also.


Wasder... I read 'firing swords' before and believe someone else will help you out.


ihateregisteringeverywhere... I never got back with TriForce1... So I don't know how your speaking for him. You seem to give alot of advice on modding... I've searched a few times for your mods... and no matter how I search Oblivion or Morrowind, You don't seem to have any. Did you release any previously under a different account? ~ I am actually interested in seeing your work, so that I may study one of the quests that you must have released, since surely none of your mods are in the 'junk dump district'


This release will go into the IC Market District now. I can't agree on disrespecting modders, who spent thier personal time creating great mods for all of us, and decided to place their mod in the IC Market District.


At this time I'm still creating the .dds and UV mapping it, as I go.

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I am not releasing this as a modders resource.


ihateregisteringeverywhere... I never got back with TriForce1... So I don't know how your speaking for him. You seem to give alot of advice on modding... I've searched a few times for your mods... and no matter how I search Oblivion or Morrowind, You don't seem to have any. Did you release any previously under a different account? ~ I am actually interested in seeing your work, so that I may study one of the quests that you must have released, since surely none of your mods are in the 'junk dump district'

In that case I'm verry sorry for posting wrong information. I only talked about it with Triforce1 briefly and badly assumpted that you two have agreed on it allready.


My fault.


Anyway, Triforce1 did want it alot in our mod.


So I made it myself.






Took some creative liberties with it. It's 9k tri's, but there's alot of overpoly on the bandages that I'll have to fix later.


I will also release it as a playable modders resource, one plugin with in a normal version and another one in an obse version that'll let you change the type of the weapon in a context menu.


Yes, I'm a modder. However I only started a few months ago - imideately on a large scale mod. Which doesn't leave much space for smaller projects, however I did create a black lightsabre resource and I'm working on equiptable undies and emulated water.


And lastly, "junk dump district" wasn't meant to be derogative, merely funny. I placed my black lightsabre there as well. You're just trying to find points in my posts that you can feel offended at. That's not good sport and I most certainly won't fall for your attempts at victimization.


A good day to you sir.

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