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Looking for a mod to remove NPC dialogue when you bump into them


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Edit: Nevermind. I found a program to batch convert .fuz files(lazy audio) and I *think* all the sound files I'm looking for are titled dialoguegeneric_XXXXXX for each voice type which helps to narrow the search. I think I'm good to go. I should've searched a bit more first, sorry.


Like to title says, does anyone know of a mod that removes the 'hey watch it!' etc. lines form NPCs?


I'm asking on behalf of a friend who, after years of playing Skyrim, is getting really annoyed by these lines playing during combat.


This is particularly annoying when he uses the Sprint attacks from the perk trees - he sprints, hits the attack button, bumps into a bandit, they berate him from bumping into them, and get one-shotted an instant later. It is quite silly to watch.


I did some digging around but the only thing I could find was BethINI which has an option to remove enemy combat dialogue, which seems to fix the problem. The only thing is it stops ALL enemy dialogue so combat is really weird because you're now fighting mutes so I know he won't like that.


Also, I tried to make this mod for him actually, as it seems like it would be simple to replace the appropriate sound files with files without sound however I ran into two problems; first, I have no idea which files to look for after I unpacked the voice .bsa, and second, Skyrim Audio Converter crashes when I try to convert .fuz files(it works fine for the music files). If I could solve the second problem, then I could solve the first, in time.


Tl;Dr - I'm looking for a mod that removes the NPC dialogue that plays when you bump into them. I'd settle for doing it myself if I can find a program to convert .fuz files that doesn't crash.

Edited by curseofnight86
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That mod doesn't do what I'm looking for. It seems to only do precisely what it says in the description, hehe.


My friend tested it and attacked some imperial soldiers and they where still shouting 'hey, watch where you're going!', etc. when he used the Great Critical Charge/Critical Charge perks and bumped into them during the attack animation - that is what I'm looking into removing for him.


If you or anyone has any other suggestions, I'd be happy to try them. :)


I'm still going through the dialogue files and replacing those lines with grunts(as that seemed better than silence). It's not so bad. Just boring.


Edit: That is a nice mod though. Thank you for pointing it out. I'm curious how it was made. Reading the description, I was expecting it to be an edit to one of Skrim's .ini files and was surprised to see it was an .esp. I wish I knew how exactly that mod was made because after seeing it in action, it makes me wonder if what I'm trying to achieve can be done through the Creation Kit somehow.

Edited by curseofnight86
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I suspect the way it works is by overriding their pronouncement by suppressing the reaction. In pseudo-code:


if player.bumps(npc)




transformed to


if (player.bumps(npc) && false)

npc.complain(); <<< this never (or rarely) gets executed...



or something like that.


I still get an occasional complaint, just as I do for friendly fire, even though I have a mod to suppress friendly fire incidence, along with some sort of bonus I got from a black book quest to suppress followers from experiencing friendly fire. But like the issue with friendly fire, it's far less often than before installing it, when it was routine to get a half dozen or more bump complaints in any given play session. Now, it's once in a blue moon, perhaps once or twice in a few weeks of play.

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