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Why does the forward movement track indicator dissappear?


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Hello people,


New post from someone new. Went through the the Vanilla version loved it. Went through an extended version with portraits loved it. 468 hours now. What I am wondering is why after trying to install some mods after the modtek too clears them is that suddenly my movement paths dissappear in combat? I haven't done any heavy modification of the game yet just using portrait and voice modification and the extended commander's edition of 3025. And of course modtek, and community assets. My question IS there something I am unaware of? I've tried a couple of different mod combinations, basically they have all ended in reinstall at this point mostly because of the dissappearance of aformentioned movement paths. Basically it shows them up to combat range, then suddenly they vanish once within weapon range. I have tried all the mods I am using up to this point in combination, but something always triggers this no matter what combination, even if excepted by the battle mod engine.


Really Confused,



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