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ESPs not working! Need help!


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I've downloaded and installed a few of the mods, like the repair fix, but it seems the ESPs aren't loading. I can see them in the Data Files menu, and I check them off, but everytime I look again they're unchecked. Anyone else experiencing this? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

It seems to be a bug in the Launcher. I recommend using FallOut Mod Manager (FOMM) until Bethesda patches it.


I saw some complaints about something like this, involving Vista and installations at the C:\ Program Files folder.

I have the exact same issue in XP, so it is not a Vista problem. However, if you wish to use mods, I recommend not installing to C:\ Program Files.


Actually, there still seem to be problems with ESPs, at least for me. I can load them just fine, but their contents don't integrate with the game properly. First, even files with a newer modification time, and having set the InvalidateOlderFiles flag, in-game things don't get overridden. You have to use a different ID to access them (the first byte has to be equal to the number of the mod in an ordered list, with 0 being Fallout3.esm); they don't replace things, they get added. Second, even when you create items via an AddItem call with the proper offset for your .esp file, they don't get linked to other entities correctly. In particular, they don't get linked to ENCH objects (enchantments), which means that if, for example, you clone the Power Armor item into a .esp file, it won't have any of the stat modifiers on it, because those are handled through an enchantment. Cloning the enchantment to the .esp file doesn't help either; it just seems like items outside the main .esm file don't get hooked up right. Making changes within the main .esm file does work, but isn't portable, scalable, or modular. If anyone who knows more about Oblivion modding than I do can tell me a way to get .esp files to work right, I would be very grateful. I've got a working "improved power armor" in my game by editing the .esm, but I can't really distribute it until I can make it work as a .esp.

What you are missing is to add Fallout3.esm as a master. Look at the FOMM tutorial to see how.

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