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Hearthfire lighting


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HearthFires, at least the Falkreath house, has no shadow-casting lights. If someone could simply go in, change the lights types to shadow-casting (both interior and exterior ones just outside the houses), and leave it at that, that would be awesome. It could be three plugins, one for each house. I imagine Falkreath would be the first to do, considering how many people would use that house.


The atmosphere is absent, and the house looks wooden without shadows.


Also, dramatic extension of the mod, but not too needed, would be to add lights to all sources (all the wall scones, etc). As far as I've seen, all lights come from a source, with no random lights, but many sources don't create light, even basic light, in areas where 5 lights would not overlap.

Edited by FireFreak111
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Been searching for a mod that does this for hours, I'm just gonna freakin learn how to do it myself. If I get it working I'll tell you guys. P.S. not angry at this thread, just that dumb mods like cabbage in a pot take priority over this.

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