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Signatures on Demand


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Signatures on Demand


Ever wanted a signature image but don't know how to make one yourself? Well now you don't have to! You can request someone else to make you one in this thread!


What to do:

  • Post here with the provided form filled out.
  • You don't have to, but you can specify which author you want to fill the request. Make sure the auther has agreed to be part of this.(check bellow for list of authors and a link to a gallery of there work.)
  • If your request doesn't get filled within a week, you may re-post the request. It's also good to PM the author as well so they are aware of the request.
  • Enjoy your new sig!

Form to fill:

Author: (Who you want to do it) (Optional)

Dimensions: (Width in pixels x Height in pixels)

Colour Scheme: (Main colours)

Theme: (Renders, etc.)

Text: (what text you would want)

Complexity: (How complex you want the signature, minimal or really in depth)

Matching Avatar: (Yes or No, be sure to specify avatar dimensions unless you want it 100x100)



X DLC X : Gallery

Sniperwhere : Gallery

Gamerbird : Gallery | Specific requirements



If you make sigs and want your name on the list, just post here with a link to your gallery.



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I think I'll move my sigs pending approval to here;




TesNexus Sig;




Sig #2








Necromancer G;

Pending approval:




New font color, background and sharpened the characters.[IMG=http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e23/aa77/NecroGssigpreviewv25.jpg]

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Can you make me a sig?


Author: Sniperwhere, can you do it?

Dimension: Don't matter. should be an acceptable size for the Nexus forums.

Colour scheme: Sinister colours

Theme: Up to you, I'm no artist

Complexity: Complex

Avatar: No

Picture: Right here


Sorry I'm not that specific but I'm not that good at these sort of things.


p.s I think you should add Dracorazgriz to this, I liked the sig he made me.

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