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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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  • 5 weeks later...

I wish I could be a specialist in generalism.

Granted, but you are never consulted and never get anything done.


I wish the Boogyman would stop chasing me and just leave me alone.


granted but you are permently fused to Wheatley(from portal 2) who is also fused to a franken turret

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Granted it was made of choclolate :devil:


I wished that my application for work experence comes through for me


Granted but the application was swapped so now you work in a job you cant possibly do :P


I wish for a Wish (cant think of anything)

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Granted, but i thought you said boar cake, so boar cake you get! :turned:


I wish I has a cone of ice-cream that never melts or get lost, drops, tastes bad and that only I can eat. And it can't make me explode, implode, cease to exist or make me dead in any kind of way.

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Granted, but it smells like a bucket of rancid fish that has been left out to rot in the sun for weeks, and turns slimy as you start to eat it. But other than that it tastes normal and is perfectly fine...


I wish Sniperwhere hadn't started this forum game which I now check constantly for updates.

Edited by Wyrdfire
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