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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted, the bears eat the radioactive moneky, and mutate horribly. They are now bigger, can stand on two legs, have horns, and they eat nothing but humans. You're the only one within a 1,000 mile radius.


I wish I understood why I'm one of the people who has trouble with math, just because five out of four made sense to me. :(

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That's a bad thing? You are really terrible at corrupting wishes Vyper! :teehee:


Anyway: Granted, they now carry homeless people over your car to crap on it. Thirty of them, an hour. Did I mention their all chili and beans diet?


I wish I had the ability to raise my own army of Sentient Tacos.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wish granted, they have no meat and they are vegetarian, as you scream in horror of the lack of meat product, they overwhelm you and eat you alive, while becoming the tacos meat of choice. Human flesh.


i wish i had one of these overpriced cards that seem like a bargain because what they do.


by the looks of it out performs the titan.



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