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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted, but your armor is weak and you get killed by a rat...


Now that zprospero isnt alive anymore, I can take the antidote...


I wish I can make textures (I can make some pretty good meshes for the beginning, but I really suck at texturing...should I paint my own textures or use some pictures from the internet if I make a sword from a game?)..

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Well, that really depends on the complexity of the sword, and how extravagant you want it to be.


L33's the best at using pictures to create textures, you could ask him about it.


I made this scalpel from a picture:



I made this rapier with GIMP. I just use patterns and layer them, mostly:



No corruption here. No need. You didn't think I'd keep the REAL antidote on me, did you?


I wish for the next poster to make a wish.

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