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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Delightfully granted! You are now a Ninja, but instead of a real ninja, you are the marvelous----->




I wish for a piece of BrokenEnergy-Sparkle Ninja's delicious strawberry gum!! rofl! :ninja:

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Granted! You are now a Repo Man.... of organs, and you repo YOUR OWN dang organs!! :tongue:




I wish to teach Gormonk to spell the word "acknowledge." :teehee:

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Granted! You now have a "persinalised" gun, but no one recognizes it's yours, cause they don't know what manner of gun a persinalised one is. Perhaps you should ask for a personalized gun, lol :tongue:


Second wish NOT granted! You only get one wish per request, we're stingy, lol


I wish I was in bed already, I'm tired! :confused:

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