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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, but now the whole TV breaks.


I wish for a nice steak.


Poor Crazy wasn't fast enough I'm affraid


Wish Granted, but the steak is covered in mold


I wish that my game of Oblivion doesn't due to mod overloading

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LOL thats ok Netwit, I liked your answer better :wink:


Warlord, your wish is granted. But now instead of commenting on your muscles they are commenting about your butt.


I wish that my tv screen hadn't blown up. I can't afford bail!


LMAO! @ Darke! Plus fine minds think alike, that is exactly the way I would have granted that wish :thumbsup:


@ Warlord. Granted! Now your computer doesn't....? but YOU DO!! Do what is the question, lol :whistling:

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hey man, dont mention the ceiling. I live in a basement, and half the time it SOUNDS like the ceiling is gonna cave in (thin floor upstairs) LOL.

Netwit- :laugh: cool!



Warlord, wish granted. Netwit wishes for pizza for everybody!


I wish that the world would have a shortage of cheesecake.

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Granted, but the lack of cheesecake has led to increased moderator corruption causing them to banhammer you for fun



I wish the steam browser wasn't so damn laggy.

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Granted, but since you forgot mentioning it was of iron I ate it again :D


I wish I could kill someone without getting bummed for it...

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oops, I missed a page!


The pot appears before you, but is surrounded by a 40' tall wall of flames on all sides.


I wish that schools were doing a better job of teaching kids how to spell.

Edited by DarkeWolf
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