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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, its your friend Keanu! But he wants revenge from your last corruption to him, so, your wish is granted, however,the next person to read it, finds out everything about you and steals your idenity!


I wish for some cheese please!

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Granted! But instead of a real German chocolate cake, you have a very angry German carrying a chocolate cake, about to use it as a weapon, in yo face!! lol


I wish I was not hungry right now. I don't feel like eating. :rolleyes:

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Granted, It doesn't get currupted, instead, it gets corrupted :thumbsup:


I wish for a big slice of marble cheesecake **drools**

Granted! But it looks so good that I eat it before you get a chance to.


I wish that a ton of bricks would fall on my former boss's head.

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Granted, but it happens right when he's about to donate all his money to charity and you are stuck with bad conscious for the rest of your life.


I wish for a new GC so i could play SW: TFU, GTA4 and Oblivion normally.

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