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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, but it's stuck in a time loop, where you have to relive the entire week over and over again, and your the only person to remember it.


I wish it would rain candy for one day.

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Granted! It rains candy for one day, but you eat so much of it, you have a bellyache for one month! :pinch:


I wish for a maid and an personal chef :yes:

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Wish Granted, it now controls you, and he, or she demands you walk of a cliff. All of a sudden you have the desire for brainz as well.


guess whose or what is controlling you :biggrin:


i wish it was't so humid out, yikes, its 25c, but feels like 30c.

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Wish GRANTED! You win the lottery fair and square, but due to your horrible money management skills you blow it all on video games and pizza, thereby leaving you penniless by the next number drawing date!



I wish for cursor keys on my Devour phone keyboard. Not having them is a huge pain when texting! :verymad:

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granted. they had to purify the gold through heat, and you could'nt resist the temptation of jumping in the golden fire pit. youch.


i wish for a perfectly secure and inspected pagani to drive with in a straight line.

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