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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted! But it just goes and goes in a perfectly straight line until you reach land's end and you plunge into the ocean! You can swim, alas Pagani cannot :sad:


I wish for legitimate and legal access to a safety deposit box full of tax free money!! :woot:

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lol don't we all.. your wish is my command, you decided to brake into the safety deposit box that had unlimited amount of money, but the police catches you instead because you set of the alarm and the bank was open at the time??? how you managed to even get near the safety box when it was open must of been a real sneaky move from ya, stupid to :teehee:


I wish i was 20 again :(

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Granted! You now have your own finely aged bottle of Shadowbanish wine! But it made you so drunk you decided to get in your car and drive drunk! You hit one fencepost, two cows and the police trying to take me to jail for going into a safety deposit box that was legal!! :confused:


Now you are getting fingerprinted and mug shotted (yep I said it! shotted, lol). They have a warm paper cup of water waiting for you :teehee:


I wish I was on vacation already! :verymad:

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Granted, but Jesus came to your house, he want his powers back


I wish for some to make my wish for me


LOL good one. Very well, wish granted.


I wish for a highly explosive yet safe for the user, chemistry set.

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lol you should by now know the outcome of the corrupted wish, obviously it explodes and your mom turns into a zombie :turned: Brainzzzzzz


i wish i had a microphone right about for the ps3, chatting online.

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