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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, it's a dud, don't you just hate it when that happens? (BTW this actually happened to me, only for my phone though, damn you phone company!)


I wish Walmart would actually lower their prices to ones that are acceptable. (Being the lowest isn't exactly the best.)

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Wish granted, Now walmart is being run by zombies and they increase the price to everything 100000000000000000000000000$ CAD for some reason :biggrin: .


I wish this new RDR special edition wasn't so hard.


I like it.

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WWwish granted, woooot, you are telepathic, but zombies are in control of the hive mind. Dead space :biggrin:


I wish i didn't have all this energy, when its so late, goes for a walk-jogg.


See yea in a hour wooot, dashes at lighting speed.


Oh who said i felt old, when i have all this energy :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:

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Granted! Now there is no wind, no air stirring anywhere when what should arrive but a hoard of flies. With no wind to blow them about, they land on you and there they stay! :yucky:


I wish for my video making skills with FRAPs to evolve to monumental proportions! :thumbsup:

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