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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, and as a result, you make a fantastic smoothie. But you leave the lid off and it explodes everywhere. (Unless you ment something else. Oh well. :biggrin: )


I wish for a wonderland.

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Hmmm i believe someone already made that wish, and i corrupted it the same way lol, well almost.


Wish granted you are now in a coma, enjoy your wonderland :confused: ..


I wish for a glass.

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Wish granted, it falls on your head and you enter a coma. Enjoy your wonderland! I'm such a smart Alec aren't I? :biggrin:


I wish for a telescope that actually complied with me. Stupid technology.

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I wish I knew how to use Blender more effectively.

^^ granted.....you send "Blender" back through time via a binery code tattooed on ya ass to collect valuballs...but he tears a hole in the time space continuam


granted....he corupts everones wishes and then his own, god knows why


i whis i was a better speller

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granted but now your his unwilling puppet and must do all he says



NEVER! lol I do not have the ability to do his diabolical bidding. I'm too sweet :wub:


@Gormonk- Granted! freebie this time!


I wish Gormonk was a better speller too. For his greater good of course :geek:

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Wish granted you get caught stealing an apple, now the guards are after you and you have no money, also you resist arrest and now they are after you're life..



I wish it wasn't so late.

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