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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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granted, you die 40 seconds later by heart attack ( :ninja: Death Notes doesn't exist :ninja: )


I wish for a completely submitted clone, so I can have him do all the things I don't want to.


Wish granted, but he decides he wants to be the real you, and eliminates you. Brutally....


I wish for a death note. (Not really, who would wish that?)

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Wish uplifted, Grand turismo 5 is out so fast that you have to run behind it to try to catch up.


I wish someone laugh after that joke. :laugh:

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Branted .... but a Heinz Erhardt


quote comes true


instead for you:


My best jokes I've told

the audience smiled slightly tortured.

but cheerfulness without measure ,target

and attention was when I fell off the bike ...


I wish for more funny jokes! :biggrin:

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