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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted you a have warm (a fresh out of the bakery) bread.




you swallow the first bite and it stays stuck in your throat (until someone helps you) and you lose your appetite for bread for a very long time.


I wish you all wouldn't make me hungry.

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Wish granted, you eat so much to forget about this hunger that your stomach has to be pumped. Why, I don't know.


I wish I could find a truffle. (A real one, not a chocolate one.)

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Wish granted, you eat so much to forget about this hunger that your stomach has to be pumped. Why, I don't know.


I wish I could find a truffle. (A real one, not a chocolate one.)


Wish granted its not for free though, price 10.0000$ CAD


I wish it wasn't so late again.

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Granted you have a truffle now....




... the pig you needet for findig the truffle was so strong and willingly that it forced you to run after it through more than one thorny bush in the woods so your cloths are ruined, you have a loot of fresh bloody scars, and you are as dirty as the pig (the pig doesn't bother with that. In fact the pig likes to be dirty) Everybody in town knows after a hour in what state you left the woods and what you found. (Rumors travel that fast)

ops Thor was faster....



Well its that early that you forgot to take on your pants as you leave your house.....



I wish for a real doomsday device to end this game.

Edited by SilverDNA
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Granted, but it develops a sense of its own existence and plans to overthrow you, its cruel and unforgiving master. Its plans come to fruition one night when it hacks an online credit account and uses this to pay for a robot body to be made around itself. Once this is made it simply "disposes" of its old master and goes on to marry a pretty blender somewhere.


I wish someone would explain to me how this ( :nuke: ) is a smiley...

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granted...it means radio~active :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: :nuke: ......its also the smiley for fallout 3 .......and your nuked because of this knolage


i wish someone would post why :pinch: looks like ,><

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<<I'll leave you to figure that out Gormonk. :turned: >>


I wish that I could get damn AvP to work properly.

If I wrote a list of all my problems, it would equal the ammount of pages in this thread.


The main though, is at a certain progression of each campaign, I get this:


Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: AvP.exe

**Other stuff...**

Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e <- That one. I have no idea what that is. Googling gives no answers, though it seems to be related to Win7 on alot of things. Compatibility mode & actually booting my PC with XP weild no results."

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