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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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wish granted but the peasants rise up and hunt you with pitchforks and torches because they don't want to be a third-world country


I wish krimzin will stop trying to have the last post on the ban for fun, and corrupt a wish threads

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granted but the clowns scare the crap outta you, they are worse than Walter's fart, which is worse than sadam's mustard gas


I wish for amazing honey bbq ribs, that are right-off-the-grill temperature, and the meatfalls off of the bone, into my mouth, which i chew without choking on any bones or the meat


corrupt THAT wish

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granted, but you contain a virus, and get someone sick, who sues the oscar meyer company, and they close down due to bankruptcy


i wish calliton would finish my sig soon, i grow impatient


dang you krimzin you posted like 2 seconds before me

Edited by GODSBANE123456
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Wish granted, Calliton grows impatiant and gets so frustrated about your sig request that he stops all together. To much pressure o_O o_O o_O


I wish this thread didn't exist??????? :biggrin:

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