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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted but.....


Due to facts known only to the CIA, the release is dated for summer 2039. ( The facts why the release is kept back will be published by the CIA 2079 )


I wish I was hunter in search for different food.....

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Wish granted you get attacked by a bear, and it kills you.


I wish this thread didn't exist, please this time don't corrupt it :biggrin:

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Granted but.....


Due to facts known only to the CIA, the release is dated for summer 2039. ( The facts why the  release is kept back will be published by the CIA 2079 )


I wish I was hunter in search for different food.....


Wish granted, you hunt down yourself for food for some reason. :confused: (I don't know, couldn't think of anything. :laugh: )


I wish it would rain chocolate.

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Granted But...........


@Thor Granted but you have to play such games cheese vs bacon.

@keanu the serve consequences of your wish is, no umbrella,and no means of transport function and worse the oceans and rivers turn to chocolate as well, but the worst is that a lot of people die of Diabetes you sorrily included.


.......I wish I was the animal that fits into that mood........

Edited by SilverDNA
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Granted But...........


the serve consequences of your wish is, no umbrella,and no means of transport function and worse the oceans and rivers turn to chocolate as well, but the worst is that a lot of people die of Diabetes you sorrily included.


.......I wish I was the animal that fits into that mood........


Wish granted, but the chocolate onslaught claims your satisfaction...and your life. Didn't see that coming did you? :happy:


I wish I had 20-20 vision.

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Granted but................


You can't see 20/200 anymore.


.... I wish I was a person with unlimited breaths......


Wish granted, you're now a fish. :pirate:


I wish for some grilled Salmon. Hmmmmm. :happy:

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