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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish Granted - but when you go to buy it, there are no more copies left (all the merchants tell you that Dead Rising 2 is "out" when you try to buy it)


I wish I wasn't so darned awesome all the time (it's quite annoying - I even disgust myself with it sometimes) :biggrin:

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Wish granted, you get a pair of these massive sunglasses. logo and all.



I Wish for a good game to play right about now, for ps3..

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:sick: :sick: :sick: I wish LordFrostcraig would brush his teeth once in awhile, you know thats a good way to lose them.


Dr Pepper sure doesn't help either :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:


just a random question, how many times do you think Cheese is mentioned in the chat??

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