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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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granted, you had three amps a couple hours ago. Different ones though.


I wish my internet didn't have speed throttling.


Granted, Your internet now has no speed throttling, but it now runs at a max of 256 bytes pur second

I wish for longbow

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Granted, but it breaks on the first pull.


I wish for a genie that grants me infinite wishes with no negative side effects or prices to pay. :biggrin:

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but the "magical bottle" is "magical corked" and by no human means open able, because it would free a devil as well.


I wish for nothing.

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Granted, but the genetic engineering used to accomplish that feat went out of control and you become half-man, half-plant.


I wish there was a thousand-foot tall statue of Homer Simpson somewhere near Washington, D.C.

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