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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Erm... you do realize Bungie's all done with Halo, right?


Err... You do know I'm pretty much obsessed with Halo, right? :P 343 Industries (created by Microsoft :unsure:) is currently making an HD version of Combat Evolved. Then according to the CEO-type guy, Frank'O'Donnell, they're going to continue Master Cheif's story, starting at the Legendary ending of Halo 3. Unless that article I read was a lie :unsure:


---On Topic---

Granted, it stops ringing, but it turns into a crazy pychopath killer with a machete.


I wish for a better computer.

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Granted. Your cough goes awaaaaay down into your body and morphs into a sneezing fit that emits from your feet. Which is extremely embarrassing, although you do become quite a hit on youtube and morning television.


I wish I didn't just run out of coffee.

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