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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, she looks at your house, and then looks at you in discusted look, and then slapps you :biggrin: Runs off back to here house and never talks to you again, 1 month later moves out.


lol what wen't wrong, i think i saw some of your house when you first joined-pics awhile ago, so i have an idea what your house looks like :yucky: just kidding.


i wish calliton curropted my wish.

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Wish granted, she looks at your house and then looks at you in discusted look and then slapps you :biggrin: Runs of back to here house and never talks to you again, 1 month later moves out.


lol what wen't wrong, i think i saw some of your house when you first joined-pics awhile ago, so i have an idea what your house looks like :yucky: just kidding.


i wish calliton curropted my wish.

dude... that hurt

i aint corrupting your damn wish


i wish thor was dead

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