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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, you've got more, but your computer and every computer you touch, breaks.



I wish my internet worked properly, and no harm comes to me or my computer.

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wish granted, (microwave)


I wish I didn't have the same amount of posts as Calliton!

im one behind you now

dont worry, ill get ahead soon


@rebel wish granted, but you dont like it




i wish i had 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 posts and that they were all good

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Granted, but they disappear after 5 seconds and you are left with -100000


I wish Halo3 was on PS3 and that I still had my PS3 and nothing bad happened to it r th controller or the power in my house and that nothing heppened to the disk.

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