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Follower Mod Request


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Elsyne Whitewillow, Mage from Valenwood who was traveling to Winterhold to the collage of mages. She enjoy's learning, reading, exploring and being peaceful with nature and its animals. She meant Auri (song of the greenwood) On her travel to winterhold. Both made a stop at Riften to rest when they learned of a khajiit going by the name of Inigo locked up. So using her way with of speech she got the guards to let him go and they all left to make there way to winterhold. Both her parents were killed in a fire Elsyne started when her magic first showed its light. Being a young age she still has alot to learn mainly focusing on Conjuration, Alteration, and some Restoration. Also studying alchemy and some enchanting on the side.

I would love to turn her into a fully custom voiced follower with the help of someone whos made custom followers before. I would like to her to be able to talk with other followers as well I even have a someone who could voice her.

What she is wearing:

Ciri's collar:(Ciri's Outfit (The Witcher 3) SE UNP-CBBE,)

Over jacket, boots and Gloves: (Adventurers Mashup Compilation)

Shirt, Skirt and tights:(Misfit Mage - Conversion CBBE Physics)

The Antlers: (Bosmeri Antlers - ESO - SE)

The Hair: (KS Hairdos SSE)

Tattoos: (Community Overlays 2 (31-50) Bodypaints Warpaints Tattoos and more made for the Community (Special Edition)

(Also Dragon Age Dalish Vallaslin Face Tattoo's for Racemenu SE)


7sUOfBS.jpg9wtWrpg.jpglFDSKJS.jpgxQgwWJD.jpgIf you need more Details on the rest of her like eye's lips, makeup, etc you can ask.


Attached Thumbnails

Edited by axton85
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